Kath Buden

Principal, Teremok
Kath is a social and affordable housing specialist dedicated to achieving housing equality and supporting homelessness solutions through development economics, investment, and planning. With over 20 years of experience in government and the private sector across Australia, she focuses on policy creation, infrastructure funding, regulation, and development economics. Kath views social and affordable housing as critical social infrastructure and advocates for the roles of government, the development industry, and the housing sector in addressing housing affordability and homelessness.
As a consultant Kath works across Australia, specialising in development economics, impact investment, and policy advisory to further her mission of housing equality. She understands the regulatory and funding environments supporting Australia's social and affordable housing sector. Partnering with Shelter NSW and backed by a City of Sydney grant, Kath has worked on housing outcomes for the LGBTGIA+ community, aiming to develop policies that meet their specific needs. She advocates for a resident-cantered approach to housing policies and views housing adequacy as a human right.