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Frequently asked questions

Lived experience

AHURI recognises the important personal and professional development and networking opportunities our conferences can provide for people who are engaged in contributing lived experience perspectives within the housing and homelessness sectors. We offer a range of ways for people with lived experience to be involved. We also actively encourage the inclusion of lived experience voices in our conference program.

Sponsored DelegatesM_A

Thanks to the generous sponsorship of Mission Australia, we are delighted to offer a limited number of sponsored delegate places for people who are engaged in contributing lived experience perspectives within the homelessness sector.

A sponsored delegate place at the conference provides:

  • Free registration and full access to the conference sessions (includes meals, except networking breakfast)
  • Travel and accommodation costs for those attending from interstate or from more than one hour’s journey from home to the conference venue.


Lived experience concession registration rate

People with lived experience of housing vulnerability who are contributing within the housing or homelessness sector as a non-employee are also eligible for the conference concession registration rate of $365 to attend the conference. Register here.


Lived experience voice

In developing our conference program, we have actively encouraged the inclusion of speakers who bring a lived experience perspective. In 2024, people with lived experience will be speaking in around half of our conference sessions.

We are grateful to our Lived Experience working group for their valuable advice and support for the development of our 2024 conference program and Lived Experience offerings.

Terms and conditions

Click below to read the terms and conditions for the Sponsored Delegate applications.