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Raquel Carvajal

Homes NSW

Raquel Carvajal

Manager, Homes NSW

Raquel Carvajal is a manager at Homes NSW, in the Community and Affordable Housing directorate. Her team manages among other initiatives, a large headleasing programs including the Community Housing Leasing Program (CHLP), that headleasing over 6000 dwellings across NSW through Community Housing Providers (CHPs). Up until February this year, her team also managed Together Home, offering housing and support to over 1000 rough sleepers across NSW through CHPs (leasing) and support through Specialist Homelessness Services (SHSs). Both these programs have been impacted by tight and expensive private rental markets. Raquel has over 20 years of experience and expertise working in state government in various roles mainly focused on community and estate renewal, nation building, and program management.  Prior to government Raquel spent over 15 years working in the NGO sector, working with local communities at a neighbourhood level and in migrant and refugee women’s policy, advocacy, and service delivery organisations at the state and federal level.